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Comprehensive Dental Services in Parker, CO

Comprehensive Dental Services

The Twin Aspen Dental Center team
Twin Aspen Dental Center is Parker’s top choice for dental care focusing on complete family dental care to include Implants, Invisalign, Dentures, Laser Gum Treatment, and so much more. Our caring staff has the experience and training to address all of your dental needs with the care and comfort you deserve.

Listen to Dr. Richter and Dr. Snyder-Mughal being interviewed on The George Brauchler Show 710 KNUS

Dental Implants

Do you have missing teeth? Dental implants are the go-to solution for replacing them. Acting similar to a natural tooth with a root that preserves the surrounding bone, a dental implant is critical to preventing further deterioration and protecting your other teeth. Dental implants use three pieces to recreate your perfect smile: the titanium implant, or screw, that serves as the foundation of the implant, the abutment that attaches to the implant and is the go between part between implant and restoration, and the restoration, which can be a single tooth, bridge, or even dentures.  

At Twin Aspen Dental Center, we use the Sirona Galileos cone-beam x-ray machine to evaluate your bone and determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. This advanced technology creates a virtual representation of your mouth so that each implant fits your unique anatomy. 

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Same-Day Crowns

For patients looking for a quick and effective solution for their damaged or misshapen teeth, we offer same-day crowns to improve your smile and restore your confidence. Same-day crowns – also known as CEREC or milled crowns – are tooth-shaped caps that replace chipped or broken teeth with lasting aesthetic and functional results. Our process starts by administering local anesthesia before we take digital impressions of your mouth. After that, we use the impressions to fabricate the crown with our CEREC machines. Once it is ready, we adhere it to your tooth, and you can leave with a beautiful new smile in a single visit.  

Our experienced team of dental experts is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to create a custom crown designed to match your teeth’s shape and size while offering lasting aesthetic results. Start your journey toward a beautiful smile today.  

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Woman scared of the dentist

Sedation Dentistry 

At Twin Aspen Dental Center, we understand that some patients may experience anxiety or fear attached to dental procedures. We offer different levels of sedation dentistry to help relieve any anxieties you may face during dental procedures, such as extractions or dental implants. Our sedation options include nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation, and IV sedation so you can feel comfortable while we address whatever issue you are getting fixed. Don’t let anxiety or fear of the dentist stop you from receiving the dental care you need!  

young man smiling against blue brick wall

Request an Appointment

Patient Reviews

Twin Aspen Dental Center

19572 Stroh Road
Parker, CO 80134


Hours of Operation
Monday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM