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brendan reich headshot

Meet Dr. Brendan Reich

Dr. Reich is a Colorado native from Colorado Springs. He pursued his undergraduate studies at Bethel University in Minnesota, where he met his wonderful wife, Morgan. When not studying, Dr. Reich played soccer on Bethel’s men’s soccer team. After completing their time in Minnesota, they returned to Colorado to advance their careers.

Dr. Reich graduated from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine in 2023 and has thoroughly enjoyed his experience practicing in private practice. As your dentist, he provides patient-centered care and ensures you are actively involved in the choices made regarding your oral and overall health. He believes in a collaborative approach to dentistry, where decisions are made with the entire dental team and, most importantly, with you—the patient. Within the profession, he is excited about the progression of modern dental technology and is eager to contribute to the field as techniques evolve, ensuring we deliver the highest quality care to each one of you.

Outside the office, Dr. Reich enjoys skiing, hiking, and spending quality time with his wife, their young son, their soon-to-arrive daughter, and their two golden retrievers.

Take the First Step Towards a Better Smile